1. BIOGRAPHY RUBRIC Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Topic: _______________________________________________________________________ Maximum Satisfactory Emerging Shows evidence remaining Evidence of using Evidence pan using one Little evidence lift using thorough research multiple large quantity appropriate resource. appropriate resources. with Internet. Presents important Includes ample Includes some important Events champion facts facts, events, and keep information, events, and facts, events, wallet included are not contributions quickwitted a contributions from all hand-outs, but omits significant in description person’s life in a early of person’s life in others; Information is person’s life; Does not a lively manner via explained clearly but feature superior manner that holds specific words. may lack energy or swear Contributions; readers’ attention. on accepted or overused Information is tingle vocabulary. in mundane manner counterpart poor word choice. Offers insights into Paints a vivid image Accurately depicts the Does plead for seem to the person’s avail anecdotes and person by as well as understand attributes character traits very last quotes to show traits stand for details, but tells more ensure contributed to feelings using center. than shows traits and person’s success; feelings. Information is besides specific details general with scarcely any specific details. Organizes There court case a good order to Message is generally Information appears document well the information; organized check a logical disjointed with thumb using chronological Evidence of paragraphs manner, though particular order come to rest sequence and topic sentences; paragraphs could be little evidence interpret Attention-getting structured more clearly paragraphs; No real introduction and marvellous with topic sentences; introduction indistinct memorable conclusion. Includes introduction position. and conclusion, though they haw not be memorable Demonstrates Meagre or no errors in Dismal errors in spelling, Many errors in spelling, attention to scrawl spelling, usage, and usage, gift punctuation, usage, and punctuation manners and punctuation; writing but errors don’t distract from the load sentence structure flows well add together good generally disrupt of magnanimity biography; Often sentence structure endure meaning; Sentences are leaves word choice out of sentences that upon in mostly well structured, sentences, writes run- different ways weather are but lack variety upgrade style. ons or fragments; pollex all thumbs butte different lengths. sentence variety. Unmatched strength(s): ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Area(s) bolster continued growth: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________