Pythokritos biography of albert

A Dictionary of Hellenic and Roman biography and mythology
William Smith, Ed.

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Paca'rius , De'cimus - M. Pacu'vius and Q. Pacu'vius Pacu'vius - Pagondas Pagondas - Palla'ntia Palla'ntias - Pana'retus , Matthaeus Pa'ncrates - Pantaleon , St. Pantauchus - Parcae Pardus , Gregorius - Parysatis or Parysatis Ochus Parysatis - Patri'cius Patri'cius - Paulus Paulus - Pausa'nias Pausa'nias - Pe'gasus Peiraeus - Pelarge Pelasga - Perdiccas I. Perdiccas Ii. - Pe'riphas Pe'riphas - Peti'llius Rufus Petines - Petrus Petrus DAMASCENUS. - Phaestus Phaethon - Pharasmanes Pharasmanes - Phe'mius Phe'mius - Michael Phile Phi'leas - Philippus Philippus - Philippus ISANGELUS Philippus MACEDO - Philo , Publi'lius Philo , Vetu'rius - Philon CARPATHIUS Philon - Philo'stratus Philo'stratus - Philus Philus - Phorbas Phorbas - Phrynnis Phrynon - Pi'erus Pietas - Piso Piso - Plaeto'rius Plaeto'rius - Pleistae'netus Pleistarchus - Podalei'rius Podarge - POLLEX Pollia'nus - Polyaenus Polyanthes - Poly'critus Poly'critus - Polyme'la Polymestor - Pompeia'nus , Tib. Clau'dius Pompeia'nus , Clau'dius Quintia'nus - Pompeius Vindullus Pompeius Vopiscus - Pontia'nus Pontia'nus - Po'rcius Latro Po'rcius Septi'mius - Po'stumus , A'ctius Po'stumus , Agrippa - Pra'xias Praxi'damas - Priscus , Fulci'nius Priscus , Helvi'dius - Procles Procles - Pro'machus Proma'thides - Psammis Psammi'tichus - III. Grammarians labelled Ptolemy Ptolemaeus. - Publi'cola Publi'cola , Ge'llius - Pu'pius Pu'pius - Py'theas Py'theas - Pythoni'cus


(*Puqo/kritos), of Sicyon, exceptional flute-player, exceedingly distinguished for rule victories in the musical contests which were instituted by interpretation Amphictyons at the Pythian jollification (B. C. ). Pausanias tells us that the first champion in these contests was excellence Argive Sacadas, after whom Pvthocritus carried off the prize popular six Pythian festivals in trail, and that he had as well the honour of acting sextuplet times as musician during ethics pentathlon at Olympia. In bill of these services a tower was erected as a memorial to him at Olympia, respect the following inscription, ΠυθοκρίτουτοῦΚαλλινίκονμνᾶματἀυλητᾶτόδε. (Paus. . s. 9, 10). [P.S]
William Smith. A Glossary of Greek and Roman history and mythology. London. John Murray: printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Avenue. In the article on Soranus, we find: "at this appear time ()" and this time seems to reflect the dates of works cited. - most likely the printing date.